Grab A Whiteboard

A simple tool for drawing together.

Because sometimes you just need to sketch it out.

Start Drawing

Whether you're brainstorming with your team, mentoring a student, or mapping out your next big idea, Grab A Whiteboard makes it easy to work together — even when you're apart.

Whenever a doodle or diagram would help you communicate or stay organized... Grab one of our free digital whiteboards, share the link, and start drawing!

Straightforward & Intuitive

Our sleek design and intuitive interface ensure a hassle-free user experience.

Save time and stay focused on your ideas.

A screenshot from the Grab A Whiteboard interface. It shows the pen tool being used to draw a squiggly blue line alongside a previously drawn, thinner, squiggly red line. The pen tool's customization menu is shown. It allows changing line width via slider and line color via a color picker widget.

A Powerful Toolset

Create straight lines and perfect curves.
Use any color. Drag things around.

Don't let a shaky drawing hand stop you.
Express yourself with confidence.
Move beyond the marker.

A gif from the Grab A Whiteboard interface. It shows the select tool being used to drag a point from a previously drawn, curved, polyline around. There is a bounding box drawn around the polyline which updates to contain the curve as it changes. Handles for updating the other points along the curve are also shown.

Endless Space for Infinite Ideas

With an infinite canvas, you have room to expand ideas without constraints.

Smooth panning and zooming let you dive into the details or take a virtual step back to see everything at once.

A gif from the Grab A Whiteboard interface. It shows a user panning and zooming around a very simplistic network diagram of a web application. The gif begins zoomed in on a hand-drawn database icon, pans up along a black arrow to show a row of hand-drawn application server icons, and then zooms out to show the entire network as well as a "cloud" representing the broader internet. Red rectangles drawn around the various server icons represent network boundaries and security groups.

Seamless Realtime Collaboration

With realtime cursor tracking and embedded video chat, watch every penstroke as ideas spill onto the canvas.

Share a link and you'll be in the same room
even if you're miles apart.

A gif from the Grab A Whiteboard interface. It is similar to the earlier one that showed a polyline point being moved, but this time the hand doing the moving is not a system icon and there is no bounding box shown. The hand icon is drawn in green, and represents the actions of another user at the board. This time the polyline is made up straight line segments rather than curved ones. A non-system arrow cursor sits nearby, showing the cursor position of yet another user.

No Account Required

Don't let confusing access control systems and login prompts derail your train of thought.

Just jump in and draw.

Another screenshot of the Grab A Whiteboard interface. It is similar to the above images and gifs.

Ready to sketch? Create a free board now!

To The Whiteboard!